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W. Cory Reiss
Mar 22, 20242 min read
Exploding bathroom exposes tenants' duty to report.
Slumlords of North Carolina, this one’s for you. The North Carolina Supreme Court ruled Friday that landlords have no duty under state...
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W. Cory Reiss
Jun 21, 20223 min read
Casino Real: Minor earnest money bet raises stakes of real estate misdeals.
Going first is gambling. That’s why a legal question can linger in plain sight for years before someone decides to test it. The...
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W. Cory Reiss
Jun 9, 20223 min read
Rezoning challengers face steeper hill in development battles.
Some say you can’t fight City Hall, but that’s not really true. You can, but the battlefield is decided in a courthouse. And judging...
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W. Cory Reiss
May 21, 20213 min read
Raiders of the lost ARC: Title-clearing law zaps old property covenants.
Homeowners across the state may not realize it, but the Court of Appeals just triggered a bomb buried in a North Carolina statute for...
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W. Cory Reiss
Feb 16, 20212 min read
Trespass to timber cases reveal the roots of many disputes.
One way to value the loss of ornamental trees cut from residential property is the cost to replace them.
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W. Cory Reiss
Nov 3, 20202 min read
For sale: three bedrooms, two baths, and the builder's wiggle room.
Third-party home buyer “warranties” for new homes may induce buyers to give up stronger legal rights to correct construction defects.
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W. Cory Reiss
Aug 3, 20202 min read
The “L” word your building contractor can’t resist has a catch.
The risk is that a homeowner fights at the peril of paying both the contractor’s fees and her own. But the threat may be double-edged.
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W. Cory Reiss
May 26, 20202 min read
Blinded by the light: How insurance carriers learn the virtue of good faith.
Where good faith disagreement ends and bad faith refusal to settle begins can be a very tricky line to identify.
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W. Cory Reiss
Apr 24, 20203 min read
The grass is always greener when it's artificial turf.
Just take a moment to marvel at the amounts spent by a well-heeled HOA to hold at bay the evils of artificial turf.
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W. Cory Reiss
Apr 2, 20202 min read
Real estate agents, your mission should you choose to accept it, may be impossible
The issue is whether an agent did everything reasonable to meet the standard of care generally exercised by other agents.
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